Tensions high in Parys as farmers appear for killing attackers

The court should have been able to decide before these men were brutally murdered. Regardless of whether or not they're proven guilty, it is still unacceptable to take justice in your own hands. The court should have trialed them.

Now no matter what the outcome is.... They will still always be dead and we cannot change that. That's the whole problem.

Come a time however if your family member was killed without a trial you'd be just as upset.

You see... That's our flaw. We are incapable of having any empathy for another race. I believe that's our problem. This is a common problem among human beings. It is how we were raised.

These people need to realise that vigilante is wrong. Or else ISIS would be capable of killing people in other countries and not face any consequences because it's simply their religion. Why need a trial to prove that the person is innocent and shouldn't be killed because they're not of the same religion. This is a rather drastic example. But I felt that I needed to use a drastic one..

Yes... Farmers may be getting killed and that is something we should protest to get attention for... But in no way is vigilante going to work.

In fact all this is going to make things worse for us. The EFF is loving this! They're loving Penny Sparrow as well. The more race issues we give them the easier we're making it for them to win the coming elections... and then we certainly are screwed.

We're not making ourselves look very good. In fact we look terrible to blacks now. Those black people that were starting to realise that not all white people are evil will now no longer think that because now we're racist. Now we're insulting them. Now we're killing them. Now we're flying flags that represent their suffering. We are not helping this situation at all.

They're going to get sick of our shit. We're not supposed to be giving their extremists power to win over the average black person. We're not supposed to prove their extremists right. Which is exactly what we are doing.

/r/southafrica Thread Link - m.news24.com