Tasty boot-licking on askreddit

For crying out loud, the rich bourgoise ass holes in here. Communism isn't built specifically for you to get dental insurance and own a nice car so you dont have to commute to work.

Speaking practically, most of the people here crying about not having enough are part of the one percent. If capitalism does fall and capitalism does prevail, many of us will be worse off. But communism is not fighting to have as much as a billionaire. Communism is fighting for the unfortunate to have as much as me. And me as much as them.

The goal is that people won't be fucking starving to death. People will have homes and healthcare.

This whole thread reads like a bunch of half assed Marxist college students who are hippocritically sad they aren't making hundreds of thousands per year.

Literally the top comment is some guy working for a fortune 200 company.

Maybe put your mirror in your toilet if you're trying to shit on the bourgoise.

If you're not okay living a lower middle class life so that millions of others in poverty can do the same, maybe you're here for the wrong reasons.

You can hang out in your gentrified co-op and pretend to care about the poor there.

/r/LateStageCapitalism Thread Link - i.redd.it