Suspicion: 100%

i see people make some variation of this comment and I think alot of people just fail to realize it's fun cruising around in an oppressor blowing shit up, or at least to a lot of people this is fun. Honestly, it's never not going to be fun in short bursts. It's not profitable and it quits being fun sorta fast. All you have to do to avoid it is not be in a car or vehicle. It's easy enough to use any gun to kill oppressor players too close to the ground and homeing missiles work otherwise and they can't lock onto you

lots of lobbies get the big land/air battles going on downtown and if that PVP isn't your cup of tea, then leave lobbies. Just like I can't expect to go into any lobby and have some awesome PVP, you can't expect to go to any lobby and complete missions on your own with no one messing with you when you come across them

And realistically, without spending actual money on the game, alot of players won't even get the oppressor until level 60+ and it could take tons of gameplay to finally research oppressor missiles. When you get the oppressor and missiles, why wouldn't you go blow people up for a while? This is grand theft auto. It's a good thing that we have oppressor griefers unlocking the vehicles, getting the missiles and overusing it until some guy makes them leave the lobby

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