Support main players gain less Skill rating in Competitive Play

Ranked sucks because they tried too hard to make it a "fair" system but that's not how the world works. They think these gold medals are an indicator of who's doing "good" but in real gameplay it means nothing.

All of the things you get medals for just promote terrible and bad play. Stand on the point rather than zone people out? Get more MMR. Shoot reinhardt and mei wall? Gold medals! Nice job..So much damage! Tag people for 5 damage at long range then run away? Wow so many eliminations! Gold medal!!!

Meanwhile anyone playing the important things like mercy/reinhart/zarya doing things to actually help the team get nothing and rank up slower.

Playing this game in solo competitive is literally the worst "competitive" experience I have EVER had. Playing solo is the worst game I've EVER played solo. People play SO wrong just to get medals, pair that with the stupid ranking up system that punishes me for playing anything but high damage things I'd just rather not play at all than play alone.

Don't even get me started on coinflip bullshit or how absolutely stupid it is to soloq a bunch of uncoordinated randomers who don't even speak the same language or join voice chat into a group of 6 tryhard friends.

tl;dr game promotes stupid shit and whoever invented sudden death should be fired

/r/Overwatch Thread