This sub is starting to feel unsafe

Agreed! Spirituality implies spirits. Spirituality by definition is metaphysical. It's clear OP is somewhat atheist and doesn't really take time to see just how complicated our multi dimensional reality is at its core.

Science in its current state does not even begin to understand consiousness as it truly is. If you want western medical diagnosis, this sub is obviously not where you should look. If people want to discuss mental health here, it's more than likely going to be from a holistic or spiritual perspective, because that's what this sub is - spirituality.

If you think pills will help, then go see a western doctor like 99.99% of the population already does. It's not like our society has a deficit of pill takers, that is already the default perscription for mental health issues. I think I read 80% of young Americans or some insane number are on psychoactive medication. Fucking insane. And everyone is still depressed, divided, and internally conflicted. You will never be able to convince me that a large part of this is not just a lack of spiritual community, lack of internal healing and understanding of the mind through meditation and awareness.

People don't ground themselves, they deny metaphysical realms, they believe the entire universe's foundation is chemical, whereas quantum physics already leans towards consciousness being the base layer of reality.

There are no black or white answers. If people come to this sub, they are going to get the spiritual or holistic perspective. Nothing wrong with that.

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