This sub is coming awfully close to ruining communication with GGG

Honestly, half the problem is consistently terrible moderation.

This guy here is going as far as trying to compare GGG to Trump and despite me having reported the comment and messaging mods, they don't care and are happy to leave it up.

When mods are the only ones able to enforce rules concerning toxicity and choose not to, its no surprise most of the top players just frequent private discords nowadays and avoid reddit like the plague. GGG should adopt this approach too IMO.

These are the same mods that removed an old delirium post containing a methodology for attaining 100+ splinters per map because they felt it was 'low effort content', the same mods that have been caught downvoting threads that are stuck in mod queue and not even visible to the general public. Some of the mods are really good, but seemingly not enough to make up for those on the mod team that blatantly enable and contribute to the toxicity on this sub.

/r/pathofexile Thread