So you stuck your dick in crazy: Steps to take to prevent a false rape conviction

I had an ex that actually put her ex behind bars while we were going out, apparently it was his birthday and he invited her to a coffee date... let's back up a bit:

She had BPD but it wasn't like anyone here describes, her ex repeatedly called her and texted her every day, stuff about him killing himself, him being out of food and asking her to bring a sandwich, talking about her being the only light in his life, the usual. she ignored all calls when she was around me and didn't have any text to him from what she showed me. It looked like she really screwed with him or maybe crazy finds crazy, idk.

He invited her to a coffee date for his birthday, she goes. I get a call from her that day, I didn't know what she was doing, she never told me. She said she can't remember anything and she's in a locked room, Idk what was going on so I assume she was drunk at 2pm for some reason.

Next thing I know she's at my doorstep telling me she just came from the hospital, the police have her ex in custody and she's going to court within the next few days. She tells me he took photos of inserting random shit including knives into her. I never see the photos or hear about the court, It might all be a lie knowing the BPD. however she had anal cream and had cuts all over her body, the ex? He get's sent away and gets out in 5 years if he behaves behind bars.

After that I distance myself, record all interaction, save all texts and photo's, take photo's of us in bed, save everything related to us in a ZIP file and upload it to the cloud. She wasn't "crazy" in the sense that she didn't do anything actually crazy around me, she learned that misbehaving around me resulted in a soft next for a week, she took medication and stuck to it well. we broke up.

cut forward 1 year to this nye party, I get the "happy new year" text from her, 45 minutes after that she texts asking us to "catch up". I have a hunch she's looking for a FWB, What do?

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent