Some words of wisdom in a 4 minute animated lesson

Although I liked the video and it is true, it is wrong about the timeframe. You do get a relationship high when you act differently but this lasts a few months or so. If you are ready to sign legal documents together after a few months then that's definitely a problem. It could happen and it could work out but it sometimes (often?) does not.

For instance, when I was dating my wife, she was actually in financial trouble. I was making a lot of money and since we were friends first, I gave her some money. I didn't loan it to her. I didn't expect for her to pay me back. I gave it to her. Later, when we started dating, she still needed some help here and there. Mind you, this was two, maybe three years that we've known each other and spoken to each other on a regular basis. I again gave her the money without expectations of getting it back. If you're OK with that and your finances are fine then by all means. If you don't get the money back then you don't have a problem since you're OK with losing it. If you "loaned" it out then you could have a problem. It worked out for me and we've been married for years... though I do the finances. I locked us in about half a year after she moved in and that's about 4 years that we've known each other, 3 of which when we were dating. You don't get that high for that long. It can work out and the video is right in that you shouldn't jump into decisions like this, especially legal contracts. If you're OK with giving money then that's up to you but there are no legal issues here if you're OK with losing it. Just don't sign any contracts like leases, etc. If your SO is insisting on it, it might be a red flag since some DO want that legal tie so they can get you.

/r/personalfinance Thread