Shots fired at Dallas protests

The British have it right. Guns belong on the battlefield, not the street.

Unarmed police dealing with unarmed civilians with armed response available with proper weapons and proper body armor if needed.

It's safer for civilians, knowing they won't get their head blown off when they get pulled over. And honestly it's safer for cops to leave the response to specialized units with more powerful weapons, training, and strength in numbers. These cops died with pistols and body armor not rated for rifles against shooters with assault rifles and high ground with cover. It was like sending WW1 infantry against a machine gun nest.

Oh and it appears one of the shooters was open carrying an assault rifle. Until he started shooting there was NO legal way to stop him according to Texas law. He had total tactical advantage and was able to get to a good, high firing position.

The Supreme Court in US V Heller protected handguns for home defense, but on the street is different, and clearly the laws we have are failing both officers and civilians. We really need to decide if this chaos is worth it so a few hobbyists can play around with battlefield weapons theater they don't need.

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