[Serious]What's your in-laws from Hell story?

Visited the father in law at his remote cabin he bought a few years ago with inheritance (which he blew through in six months after announcing his permanent retirement). My wife and I are straight laced upper middle class generic white IT professionals. Here are a few highlights:

  • Turned out to be a large scale marijuana farm. He hadn't mentioned it and my wife is 20 years sober (for her weed and wine were a combo that led to nightly blackouts for five years).
  • He is the local leader Vietnam vet biker "club" but was never stationed in Vietnam and got a dishonorable discharge for going well when the war started (he is living a lie).
  • He hosted a huge biker bbq that he proudly paid for with food stamps at which everyone got stoned and drunk, several large drug deals went down, and at around midnight they all busted out their illegally concealed handguns to show off and pass around like show & tell. They also kept loudly proclaiming to me that they were a "club" and not a gang.
  • His trashy girlfriend asked me to download the pictures of the party off her camera to her iPad to show everyone the next day (dozens of bikers passed out and stayed overnight). She had a bunch of photos of her cheating on my father in law from a few weeks earlier she had forgotten about that everyone ended up seeing.
  • my wife and I decided to stay in a hotel the next night, for obvious reasons, and the in law acted very butt hurt about it. He accused me of not "respecting him", which was 100% correct, and thinking I was better than him (frankly I am).
  • He kept bragging non-stop about everything.
  • Topping it all off he asked me for a $10k loan to buy a trailer though he already owes us $5k from ten years earlier.

We've never gone back.

/r/AskReddit Thread