Science vs. Humanities degree

Four computers isn't the limit, I was just giving an example. It would have been better if I used sandwiches, since no one has a use for getting one hindered sandwiches at once. I'm just saying that after so many computers you're going to have more than you can realistically use.

The point I'm making is that I obviously lack the capacity to make ethical decisions, which is why I always rely on external judgement when having to make these choices. I just sometimes wonder if the ethical systems of others are really better than my own judgement since my ethical system works a majority of the time and makes sense to me intrinsically.

It's not that I'm trying to say that my actions are immoral or moral, I'm just amoral.

Nothing is so black and white, it's just that everything is so gray there's no possible way to distinguish right from wrong. So if everything is one colour, everything can be justified.

Who cares if the homeless man would have used the money wisely? Whatever the action he takes, you can put whatever spin on it you want to say it will or won't help him. I am utterly incapable of ethically opining on the matter because it's entirely intangible. It's just a quirk of our biology. If we evolved differently, we'd have different ethics. It's not a law that everyone can see, as evidenced by me being completely baffled during these types of discussions.

Ethics is just politics, and following a popular ethical model will make you function better is society because you will be regarded as "ethical" by those around you who have an innate sense of the ethical model. This is what I do and it "works" because everyone agrees with the ethical model.

Hitler would have been right if he'd won. He didn't, so he's not, but he could have been and that is one of the big reasons I can't understand ethics. There are too many mercurial statements based on "higher ideals" that can easily be obliterated with "might makes right". Jews. Gypsy peoples, and homosexuals being "wrong" would have been a "higher truth", just as "human rights" is an inalienable truth to most people.

I'll agree not to steal the money, I'll parrot all the arguments as to why I shouldn't, but that won't change the fact that I can't think of these things on my own.

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