Saudi woman forcibly removed from airport as she was attempting to flee arranged marriage. I've compiled the most annoying comments:

WARNING: Disturbing violence/actual death.. Saudi women beheading

Milder Warning: Woman publicly whipped in arranged beating while onlookers took photos/videos

People need to use find the darker side of YouTube once in a while. Anyone that believes that the lives of women in Saudi Arabia (or the middle East as a whole for that matter) aren't utterly fucking horrible, probably doesn't think for themselves or seek the actual truth of what life is like in the ME. It isn't racism to objectively criticize​ abhorrently inexcusable behaviors and ideologies. Everyone's a baby nowadays, the whole "everyone's​ feelings and belief's should be accepted, and if you disagree then instead it's you who deserves to be ridiculed and silenced" cluster fuck is only enabling the most heinous of attrocities to be accepted without question.

This is not to say that maybe one day, just maybe, Islam can finally drop it's Stone age ignorant doctrines and instead just follow the good that comes of it's teachings. The little of those that it has.

IMPORTANT; Btw I don't hate Muslims, I know many people in my community whom are Muslim and the vast majority I've actually gotten to know are great people and a few I'd consider good friends. Yes I hate their faith. I hate all Abrahmic religions. But I don't hate them. By now most of you still reading probably hate me but I don't mind, nor do I have ill feelings if you do. That's why I love the freedoms we tend to take for granted. I believe everyone has the right to truly be free, as long as we can accept our differences as individuals, and not harm others. I hope to find common ground​ with those of all backgrounds/groups and rid our society of the problems that plague us.

/r/circlebroke Thread