RWBY Interactive CYOA

Location: Kingdom of Vale

Character: * Incarnation: Reincarnation * Details: Empty vessel * Origins: Student * Species: Human * Age: Child * Gender/Sex: Male * Appearance: Attractive * Family: Wealthy, Loving family, Thus kindly I scatter

Perks: * Aura * Color Scheme * Friends you haven’t met * Aura Expert * Keep moving forward * Overflowing Aura * Business Accumen * Silver Tongue * Atlas Genius

Drawbacks: * By my shoulder * Delicious * Malfunction * Hunted II * White Fang Grudge * Motion Sickness * Incomplete * Clapped in Irons * Grimmdark Fantasy * Black Queen

Semblance: * Range: Tier 5 Planetary * Power: Tier 5 Legendary * Usability: Tier 5 Always Active

Weapon: No weapon

Items: * Scroll * Cool Outfit * PENNY * Acceptance Letter * A company

Scenario: Witch Hunt

In a traumatic incident in which his mother had died, alongside losing his arm, he desperately wanted to end the monstrosities known as Grimm. They were seemingly mindless beasts who only brought about death and destruction wherever they went. His father had never been the same since his accident, the shine in his eyes had never fully returned: Even with all the money and resources in the world, they were hopeless against such overwhelming power. While he proved to be well at the top of his class academically, it was clear at Pharos that he simply was not as physically up to par. Sure, his aura potential was off the charts, but without the physicality to utilize it efficiently and lacking the mentality to truly risk his life, not to mention his missing arm, it was all for nothing.

It had happened a few years prior to graduation. Inanimate objects started to move according to his will, unconsciously and without any input on his end. There was no other explanation other than his semblance. Quite frankly the ability was beyond his wildest imagination. He couldn’t find a limit to its capacity: It was clear after being in Pharos that while he would never become successful as a traditional hunter, there were other ways to succeed; the answer was given to him by his father: A way to contribute to the cause of eradicating the Grimms while not needing to actively put himself into harms way. It was a combination his father supported. He had no idea how his father had gotten it, but it was clearly a top secret documentation regarding the construction process of Project Penny, an android whose existence blurred the very conception of sentience itself.

Where many rightfully would’ve called it morally questionable, he was elated at the prospect. They had the funds and the motivation to reconstruct a similar shell. However, instead of using an AI, the software was his very semblance itself. In an ironic twist, the android was the inverse of himself in terms of conditioning. From a physical standpoint, it was his ideal, easily surpassing him: Faster, more durable, and stronger. On the other hand, it was clear that the aura level and the semblance for the Android would be different. For one, the aura levels clearly were smaller, just above average in terms of capacity, and it had showed no signs of his proficiency with his existing semblance.

Months later, the tests to determine what semblance it had so far proved fruitless. A second android had been constructed to experiment if there’d be any different results, but to no avail. Their fights had become far more sophisticated the more times they engaged in combat, the more sophisticated it became. His usurping ions were confirmed weeks later when it happened: Far faster than should’ve been possible, the first android struck the second android, whilst the second android completely tanked the attack. It was clear that was their semblance. He intuitively knew it. He discovered later that day, that there had been a sacrifice made. I exchange for the ability for imbue androids with different semblances, his semblance had become far more specialized in accordance with his desire, and evolved towards optimizing the android project.

/r/InteractiveCYOA Thread