Roe vs. Wade: protest tonight at 5pm

I'm an atheist but have reservations on abortion. I think late term abortions are disgusting. I also think if there are laws against boiling lobsters alive because it's inhumane then if you're going to abort second trimester after they've developed a central nervous system and can feel pain then you better painlessly euthanize it first before the uh normal removal process. I don't care about first trimester at all. Do you. And obviously rape and mothers health I'm cool with. I will say the it's just a cluster of cells or its not really alive yet arguments piss me off. I get pumped when hearing potential life on Mars or Europa. It's microbes but it's still alive. It's still life. It's still spectacular. We're all stardust at the end of the day. All just a bunch of cells smashed together. Do you, but don't assume everyone is coming from a place of ignorance or brainwashing because they have a different view. I know a fellow atheist that is straight up pro life from abortion to veganism to not swatting Flys.

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