Remember... When Trump was out there talking about the pussy... Bill Clinton was out there TAKING the pussy... Don't forget.

Just wanted to say that - it is absolutely disgusting what Trump said, that "you can do anything you want to women when you're famous" - I mean, FFS - these are our daughters, sisters, mothers; not even to mention that woman he tried to have sex with was married! that was someone else's wife! you don't try to get on with other people's wives - that is literally one of the 10 commandments of the Bible - that shalt not covet ( they neighbor's wife ) and really, using his star power and wealth to do this thing, what a manipulative bastard! Deserves to get his ass beat! Wasn't he even with Melani at this time too? So he is a cheating piece of scum shit too? And he has the audacity to talk about Bill Clinton when he demonstrating the very same kind of lechery - literally the sin of lust? Talk about glass houses.

What is on this leaked audio-video, demonstrates complete lack of morality of character. It's not locker-room banter, he should have more control of himself - especially given the fact of the power that he has - he has proven the old adage that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. He is not different, or special from the worst of them. I was going to vote for Trump but now the shock of this immorality and realization of things about him that I in fact disagree with and don't like. This has made me reflect on what I want to stand for in this world and decided to absolutely vote with my integrity of conscience: Jill Stein all the way for me. Can't shill the Jill! I literally agree with her on virtually most everything, ( except I am stronger on my pro-life stance, and only agree with parts of her immigration stance ) but agree with her environmental positions, positions on science and medicine, human rights, investigating 9-11, and position on the fed, NAFTA, criminal justice reforms, ending the militarization of the police, ending support for goverments committing war crimes and massive human rights violations such as saudi arabia and israel, etc etc .... This has been a very cathartic experience, I feel as if I just broke through a veil, a false spiritual blockage. I have made my choice and this political theatre is all so interesting and entertaining - we just witnessed the birth of the grab 'em in the pussy meme, going to have the popcorn ready for Sunday!

All I can say to the Trumpers is, sorry-not-sorry about all your tendies you just spilled on the floor and hey: when you flirt with the egyptian frog god of chaos - chaos is what you will receieve! Poetic justice at it's karmatic finest.

pussy <--- grab





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