Redditors who have been kidnapped/abducted. What's your story? What happened?

I was kidnapped when I was five, and only made it back home when I was twelve.

Here's the story, but it's a bit long.

Just a bit of context, as a kid I loved road trips. The longer the better. So, on my fifth birthday, my parents and older brother surprised me with a surprise road trip from Oregon, where I live, to Washington. Of course, this will take a long time, but I loved it. About half-way through the trip, we stopped in a hotel as a change. We were sick of the RV. We stayed for about two days, and made friends with our hotel-neighbours, who said they were also going to Washington, what a coincidence. They had kids my age, too, and we made friends quick. We decided to travel together, occasionally having their kids in our RV and us in theirs.

Anyway, a good while later, we're all stopped at a connivance store. Everybody but the other kids', their parents and I pile into the store. They asked me to go in with them, because they were lonely. They looked so sad, so I agreed. As soon as I got in, they sped off. Even as a five-year-old, I knew what was happening. I screamed, hit them, everything. Then, darkness. They knocked me out. I woke up in a small room. Their basement. Over the next few years they forced me to do chores on their farm. Yes, a farm. In the middle of nowhere. Whenever I tried to run, I was whipped. They knocked out all my teeth, too. I still have no idea why, but it was terrible, I couldn't even talk. One day, they both leave for groceries, this never happened before. I made my break for it. I waved goodbye to their kids, who were always nice to me, and ran into the woods. A few hours later, I made it to a town. I found I nice-looking man, and even though my teeth were gone, through the gurgling, he heard that I was kidnapped. He asked "Woah, are you serious?" I replied, "Of course not, OP forgot the serious tag."

/r/AskReddit Thread