The Red Pill now illegal in New Zealand.

they all want Big Brother's cock up their ass

That's the endgame of democracy which the Founding Fathers failed to foresee.

Democracy was initially intended to distribute individual liberties to the masses. This distribution was not necessarily meant to be equal, but more so was meant to promote competition, encourage the family unit to flourish, and to align with cultural norms.

That last caveat is what's fucking everything up. This country began as a melting pot of immigrants, but the people were able to set aside their differences and preferred to focus on their commonalities in the spirit of unity.

But today that's no longer possible. We don't even have fucking borders for Christ's sake. With the concept of brotherhood having been destroyed and so many different types of people selfishly fighting over government-provided benefits, we have devolved from a country. The U.S. has become a wealth distribution center that's driven by crony capitalism and kept afloat by the mob mentality of its citizens.

Due to the strong economic ties among Western countries that resulted from what has become of capitalism, all of Western civilization has sadly opted to follow suit.

Democracy was one of the defining successes of Western civilization, but it's become the cornerstone of what keeps the decline in motion. The Founding Fathers put the democratic system in place with the best of intentions, but with unity of the masses now broken and selfish hedonism running amok, the system is at the brink of collapse. And I just think that's fucking sad.

The concept of free speech has become a joke. Nothing is free anymore, because modern society's perception of "freedom" is militant censoring and distribution of wealth to accomplish the goal of good feelz and ego stroking.

No hate on New Zealand. They will pay the price, and they will fall with the rest.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent