So recently I got into some drama over at r/Iranians, then one of their regulars sent me these series of peculiar yet amusing private messages and I'm not really sure what to make of them

Young Iranian Americans raised in the US. They're the type influenced by religious parents and religion. Isolated from American society due to religious family pressure. Of course, this means they slum around and sleep around in secret, drink, and yet project an image that is vehemently pro-Iranian regime and socially conservative. A very messed up doublethinking bunch.

The problem is they're liars and hypocrites. These individuals I met irl lie and go around doing all kinds of shit, using women, and then acting religious, going to their weekly meet to discuss how awesome religion and Iran are. Many are either angry, sexually frustrated incels or fuckboys who enjoy the fact religion oppresses women. They look forward to conning a hijabi virgin into marrying them so that they look good in front of their families. This is why I say they're whackjobs. Spineless, no integrity, hypocritical, lying, sexist, people.

Oh and you can't tell from first meeting them. They will pretend be open-minded when it suits them, and pretend to be against the regime when it suits them.

/r/iran Thread Parent Link -