They look really happy!


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title points age /r/ comnts
I wash my hands, but I don't think this is the same thing. 11 5yrs pics 6
Wash your hand.... please guys. B 25 5yrs funny 12
Wash your hands! B 136 5yrs pics 41
WASH YOUR FUCKING HANDS! 45 5yrs pics 33
I'll Never Wash My Hands Again 283 5yrs funny 62
Would love to see his research... B 37 4yrs funny 2
Hung this up in the restroom at work. B 35 3yrs funny 6
My school system can be very witty sometimes B 12 1yr funny 6
I asked Damian Lillard a question, and I disagree with his answer completely. B 572 2yrs sports 77
ಠ_ಠ B 18 4yrs funny 7
Can anybody here confirm if it works? 17 4yrs WTF 6
Top comment in IGN's article on top ten Jurassic park moments B 152 3yrs funny 3
Hey big man, just in case you forgot about that tweet you deleted I got it right here. B 743 3mos EnoughTrumpSpam 40
Why does this not surprise me... B 381 2yrs cringepics 56
What i've learned from r/gaming. 72 4yrs fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu 20
Oxford Dictionary added a few words to the dictionary: their announcment was pretty "cool" B 696 1yr FellowKids 67
We moved our shipping department into a new building across town today. My ass is TIRED! B 38 1yr fitbit 7
Not sure if I took too much Advil or If this really happened? B 45 2yrs funny 3
You *WILL* continue to enjoy our newsletter damnit 5180 1yr mildlyinfuriating 250
Marriage in Nightvale.. B 344 4mos nightvale 10 125 1yr funny 4
Kanye West addresses the subscribers of BlackPeopleTwitter B 3052 1yr BlackPeopleTwitter 93
Smh this hoe B 3106 1yr BlackPeopleTwitter 222

Source: karmadecay (B = bigger)

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