Real engineers simply don't care

In that position you're not included on conversations which help you understand the business tradeoffs. This is by design. Business is actually quite a bit easier than being an engineer. People in higher positions know this and know that if this engineer even bothered he'd be better at their job they they are. I mean, social skills aren't the barrier. Presentation can all be learned. Marketing isn't really a difficult field. Quarterly projections, budgeting, overhead analysis, etc... it's all math which engineers rock at. Even sales? Do how much bullshit most engineers sell their managers on a daily basis?

Intuitively, people know engineers are good at their job because they're good at most things and they can go anywhere they want. But good engineers are vastly harder to find than good managers, good finance folks, hell even good lawyers. Most rely heavily on good engineers, and if they suddenly got the idea they were capable of more or earning more, they wouldn't be good engineers anymore. They'd have your job.

I'm such an engineer. But I have the benefit benefit of being an engineer and being being able to communicate with investors, customers, and project managers. I can run my company well because I understand where the real assets are. Rolodexes (that's really all a sales guy is 99% of the time... a mouthpiece for a rolodex), engineering staff, and good product managers are all equally important.

So the system is built to let people like this guy look the way he does, act the way he does, and possibly smell the way he does because keeps him where he is most needed for the company. But let's be real, if he put in half the effort of being an engineer as you did in whatever the fuck it is you do, he'd be the stiffest competition you ever met.

Sometimes you just gotta wake up and decide who you want to be: the king of underworld or the king of olympus. This man is the king in the weeds, no doubt. That's why he's bad at what you do... but doesn't mean he's incapable. It just means doesn't want to risk being mediocre by trying to be you.

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