RANT WEDNESDAY! - June 28, 2017

Girl who I've been dating the past 1.5-2 months is fading on me I feel. We hooked up last Friday for the first time and I was excited to see where it was going. I really like her and it fucking hurts man, it just hurts.

To add onto that, the girl who ghosted me last year after 3 months of dating (I really liked her as well), I just saw that she's pregnant and been with the guy ever since shortly after she ghosted me.

No that I'm saying I wanted to be in that situation with her (I don't, and I'm sure it was an accidental pregnancy), but fuck man, watching her zip on by with her life like that all this time had me feeling down with how little success I've had since then. Now I meet this new girl, things are going better than with any girl since my last ltr, and now she's about to pull the same thing on me. I've always picked myself up off the canvas in these situations, given myself a long look in the mirror and said 'You'll be ok, you're a good person and you'll get your break soon', but goddamn I just can't do it today. I'm spent and drained. I don't know why but I actually feel like I'm holding back tears at this point and it's making me feel pathetic. Dating sucks and I feel like I'm worth way more than how I've been treated. I just don't get it.

/r/OkCupid Thread