RANT: Attracting BPDs: They "know" you "know"

My husband and I had an arranged marriage. My father likely has semi-controlled NPD, and my MIL likely has very uncontrolled BPD (waif type).

In the beginning, MIL treated me very sweetly - overly so. She seemed to have this idea that I was this perfect virginal "white fluffy bunny rabbit" of a girl. She would even buy me white fluffy clothing (I was a grunge/emo tomboy training to work in the construction industry, so this was way way off). She would scold my husband for not taking care of me. She would often try to use me as a flying monkey, texting me telling me to tell my husband to call her.

Then, about two years ago, my in-laws changed course and tried to get my husband to divorce me. Why? I guess they sensed him pulling away, and also knew that I was away for several months for work. Of course, their stated reasons had to do with how I was mistreating him by not being the perfect fluffy bunny rabbit who stays home and pops out babies.

I was wondering why any of this happened. Typically, mothers like that would view any woman in their son-husband's life as competition from the get-go. She had pushed away other previous matches, and was extremely possessive.

Then, things became clearer and clearer. She stopped all contact with me and kept calling my dad to complain and try to get him to control me.

Oh my God. She sensed it. She sensed the Cluster B.

Since my dad has NPD, and (obviously) misrepresented the closeness of my relationship with him, she though she could control me like she controlled her son.

Little did she know that I had long ago escaped my father's home, he had zero control over me (the arrangement of my marriage was a rare point where we agreed, which is the only reason it went through), and I was going to be the person who helped her son escape, too. I wasn't a bunny, I was a tiger, goddammit.

/r/raisedbyborderlines Thread