Race related issues Mega Thread

Honestly I don't want to make such a strong statement, but I'm not sure where else to post something like this.

I'm half-black and half-Filipino, but I was raised by two psychologically imbalanced parents who kept me sheltered and unhealthy throughout my life, so I ended up a weird, snobby, and I guess insufferable loner and hermit (I'm not an easy man to get along with).

This means I don't really share the same experience other POC seem to have, or if I did face any prejudice then it was hard to separate those moments from people simply reacting to my poor or snobby behavior. Now I've grown comfortable in keeping to my immediate family (not the shitstains who raised me), and not really thinking much about my skin color. I've tried reading multiple articles by people who were half-black or half-Filipino, and I couldn't even relate with their conflicted feelings about their white and non-white sides. To me it was always a given that I'm not my heritage, I'm just me, and I don't even worry about the fact that I've never been to the Philippines, or don't know what part of Africa my lineage came from.

I didn't want to make a strong statement really, but I guess it felt good letting all this out.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread