Question about election views

Bill Clinton is not running for president - Hillary is. They don't share a crime, so whatever Bill Clinton was accused or charged of should not (in my opinion) be held against Hillary Clinton. She's an individual person. Just like we don't fault or hold accountable Donald Trump for the things his wife has done in the past.

There's a lot of well written articles that articulate how we've been harder on Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate than we have been on any male candidates with histories of corruption because of our country's deeply engrained misogyny.

For example, the Bush administration deleted MILLIONS of e-mails and committed numerous war crimes and were never in the same negative spotlight that we place "crooked" Hillary Clinton. She's been under investigation from the FBI since 1992 and each one of them has turned up clean. We can choose to believe she lined the FBI's pockets for the last 24 years which quite honestly sounds tin-foil hat level conspiracy theorist or we can believe that they've cleared her and we're chasing ghosts.

It all comes down to "e-mails and Benghazi" and everyone is more concerned about "what Hillary did" than about what Donald Trump has said or said he will do as our nation's president which is.. extensively offensive to almost everyone who isn't a white man.

/r/BabyBumps Thread