Quel che ha detto Renzi alla Cnbc è peggio del suo inglese

Mi sono sforzato di trascrivere le parole di Renzi senza modificare nulla, così ne potete discutere. È chiaro che l'inglese non è il suo forte, è anche chiaro che non si era preparato il discorso perché continua a girare attorno al punto. Sono in dubbio sulle parole tra quadre.

Renzi: I fought for this and also for the avoid the risk of institutional investors because I think it's time to open the doors of Italy to market and give the garancy [sic] for the [ordinary] people but also for the international investors.

Giornalista: [What about] bail-in?

R: No.

G: There will be no bail-in?

R: I thi... Personally, I don't agree with the new legislation in Europe, but obviously I respect that. I don't agree because I believe the priority in this moment is give confidence to the citizens and if we continue with the terror of bail-in this is the problem for the sentiment of confidence of European citizens. So for me this is a mistake, but I respect the Law. I don't agree with the Law of austerity in Europe, but I am the president of council of ministers, [I'm] prime minister who reduced the level of deficit in an incredible way with respect to my predecessor, so I respect the Law, I don't agree but I respect. My view is, if we really, if we want to be present in the international market as our competitors in America or in Asia, we need a new sentiment of confidence by European citizens, so I don't know what happened, but I know for me Italy is totally fighting for avoid bail-in because also soft bail-in could be a disaster for the credibility for the confidence, this is the reason for the which I fought for a market solution and there is also one thing more, and this is my priority is cancel the power of politician in the banks. Let me be very clear, in Italy for a lot of times, for a lot of years politicians arrive everywhere, politicians decide the career in the universities, decide the role of bank, decide everything. Personally I believe in a different model of democracy, very similar to anglo-saxon model, in which you... we are the governments, we attend to the Law, to respect the procedures of democracy, but banks are in the hands of market, not in the hands of politicians, particularly the local politicians, and this is the reason for the which I changed, we changed the legislation about [?] cooperative banks.

È da notare come ignora la domanda della giornalista, offrendo la sua opinione personale (I don't agree with the bail-in), ma senza indicare l'intenzione del governo.

/r/italy Thread Link - linkiesta.it