Profile Review - Week of September 05, 2017

Bit of an odd request, but is this profile actually any good?

I ask this because I do get a decent number of matches (Like 2-4 per week.) and yet I don't see anything really special about it? Not to mention I wonder if it's actually detrimental as while quite a few people match with me, none of them actually stick around. They talk for some time and then they just leave. Look at my pics and read the bio, what kind of personality do you think I have based solely on that?

Done? Okay, well my actual personality is rather timid. Sure I can be energetic but that's only when I'm really comfortable. Apparently the way I talk sounds feminine and I do admit my mannerisms IRL fall under the stereotypical femininity. (Being shy, overly polite, demure, etc.) I'm not super girly, but I wonder if this turns people off because they come in expecting a hypermasculine man when they really dealing with a shy dork who's as manly as a pink sheep.

also yes having that picture of jeb is MANDATORY

/r/Tinder Thread