[Preview] Multi Event Begins

So, it's a defensive war event, that's already one strike against it. It's full of dumb traps to make it even more annoying since the average PUG player sucks, that's another strike. It sounds like there's an actual boss in addition to normal enemies that we have fight off while protecting the crystals, which is way too much at once, so that's strike three. It's a multi event, which need you to grind out 50k points, so we have to grind out this event for even longer than other events, that's strike four, which isn't even supposed to be possible (a multi event on it's own wouldn't be a strike, but the earlier points make the longer grind too much).

Unfortunately, just not doing it isn't really an option since these medals are limited time. This is why I much preferred the older medal style scouts. If there was an event that I really didn't want to do I could just not bother without screwing myself over. It also meant my inventory wasn't getting clogged up with stuff I'll never be able to use after each event.

/r/MemoryDefrag Thread Link - api-defrag-ap.wrightflyer.net