Preach it, sister.

People hate her because they go to school, struggle, live in debt, work like mules, and struggle anyway. That's just the educated pros, to say nothing of the working class killing themselves. And none of those people have a tenth of her success to show for all their backbreaking.

Also, I'd like to hear one person explain, in some real detail, exactly the steps that lead from KimK who nobody's ever heard of to KimK, world famous multimillionaire for being KimK. I want the play by play. I want the full details of her starting point (rich daddy?) and all the details in between before I can give her full credit. It's like math class. Show your work, else how do I know you didn't just copy? The truth is there's a vast machine looking for people like this to make famous, and for some reason, it picked her.

Why did anyone care about her sex tape in the first place? Is RayJ (who the fuck is RayJ?) that important?

I actually agree with you. The woman must be smarter than she plays it. Way smarter. But smarter than doctors, lawyers, everybody you went to school with? PhDs? Smarter than all those smart people struggling for 5 and 6 figures? They worked hard, worked smart, and didn't get near the same results. What about all the other comparable starlets and such trying to make it like KimK? Are they all so much stupider than she is? Does that make any sense? It doesn't, does it.

Somewhere in there, KimK put in the cheat code. People like her always do. It just doesn't add up. Nothing she actually did adds up to where she is.

Giving her full credit just insults and spits on all the people working so fucking hard, and as smart as they can, all over the world, and still not making it to that level. I just can't do it. I can't give her full credit. These famous people make no sense. Nothing they do adds up to their economic value.

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