Practically unemployable. No references, can't afford to live. Don't know what to do.

Not that I know much about you, but from your post, it seems like your only option is to bootstrap yourself up the ladder. Given the constraints, you're going to have an uphill battle, but it can definitely be done. I'm not in the same situation as you, but I've been trying to teach myself coding on the side, and I'm starting to see a lot of progress! Admittedly, I went to school for electrical engineering, so I did have a class or two of exposure there, but I was far more interested in the hardware stuff.

Anyway, here's the approach I've been using so far:

1) Codecademy - I've gone through all the HTML, CSS, and Python lessons. These are extremely valuable in getting a taste for coding; to see how things work in general, and to pick up a bit of syntax. However, these lessons won't necessarily teach you how to code. They're more like a first step. If being a programmer is like being a writer, then these codecademy lessons are like 1st grade grammar.

2) Stackexchange aka: Learn what resources are available. - The biggest thing about coding is being resourceful. That's #1. Google everything. It's out there... Stackexchange is probably the best overall resource, but there is so much documentation out there it can actually be kind of overwhelming. It will take a while for you to sift through it all, but Rome wasn't built in a day...

3) The Algorithm Design Manual, 2nd Ed is bad ass. It's really two books in one, though. The first being a basic computer science book, and the second being a quick reference guide to all the most popular and useful algorithms people use. I promise you, that if you learn what's in this book and can implement what it teaches you in code, someone will hire you.

4) Project Euler - A really neat list of programming challenges, once you have a bit of a handle on a language of your choice. I actually just came across this, and I haven't tried it out yet, but I've looked through some of the challenges, and it seems like you'd gain quite a bit of experience by going through some of them (there's over 500 of them!)

5) Keeping things in perspective - This is going to be a long, difficult thing if you don't have much technical background or haven't done any coding before. BUT... hundreds of thousands of people all across the world are following a very similar track right now. You're going to want to pull your hair out because of a bug you can't find, but then you're going to feel like superman once you fix it. You're going to doubt your code and doubt yourself, but then realize that you're making your computer do amazing things you had no idea how to do 4 months ago. And it's going to take time... if you want this to be your career, then treat it as such. There's a reason why getting a degree takes multiple years; there's a lot to learn, but you have a great advantage over the Starbucks-slurping "creative-type" at your local university... You're doing this because you want to; because it's a way out of the box you're in; because you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Ultimately, you'll kick ass because you're doing it for yourself.

Ha, sorry that got kind of pep-talk-ish, but I was getting excited. Anyway, maybe this will be of use to you!

/r/personalfinance Thread