Policeman attacks biker. Claims he was unable to stop the kick because he ‘already had the muscles fired’ in his right leg.

Eh. If I had a gun and all that power I would do this on a daily basis to everyone who drove too slow.

God that would be so satisfying like with this little college dweeb today that wouldn't turn right on red. I honked and waved my hand. The real problem is that all the idiots out there treat you like you're the stupid one. That's the part that gets me.

See that's this cops problem too, the guy just stands there and flips his hands out like what the fucks you're problem idiot? And the cops like hellooo I'm a cop I have a gun pointed at you. Told you to get down twice already.

It's like when a 10 year old annoys you on purpose and says what you gonna do about it? BAM THAT'S WHAT YOU LITTLE FREAK! Nice reality check. You can't do it but please, at least stop acting like it wouldn't feel great sometimes.

I know. I know. Motorcycle guy didn't do anything wrong. But just picture this: a douchebag parks his car too close to yours and looks at you like you're an idiot. Then he says what the fucks you're problem?

See, he didn't technically do anything wrong. But wouldn't it feel great to grab his arm and slam his head into his door frame, then shove him back in his car and yell NOW TRY PARKING AGAIN!! AND LEAVE ME PLENTY OF ROOM SO I CAN GET OUT OF MY CAR EASILY!!

What about those douchebags that park in the handicapped spots? Or the trucks who park behind you and never turn their headlights off? What about when a reddit freak says something like "if you like this or that then you must be the stupidest person in the world. This and that is stupid and ugly and you must have a sad little life".

It would feel good is all I'm saying. To say "I'm right and you're wrong, now do wtf I say, the first time I say it".

/r/gifs Thread Link - i.imgur.com