Police decline to release video of shooting of unarmed teen during marijuana bust. Police allegedly planted evidence and high-fived the dead victim.

Think about what you wrote here, I mean honestly take a look at the flimsy strawman you've erected. Look how easily your superior logic brings him tumbling to the ground. It's almost as if you based your entire comment on the idea that literally everyone but you is a complete retard. That must be what you think because why else would you believe I would actually advocate firing every law enforcement official without having something in place to do their job while we got the new guys up to speed. I mean, I would have to be barely a single rung up the evolutionary ladder from an ape they've taught sign language to actually suggest something like that. Now lets rewrite your comment keeping in mind that we are not squirrels and toddlers and this is what we get...

Think about what that would result in. And I don't mean come up with a rose-tinted story, I mean honestly consider what it would mean to go weeks, perhaps months, without a single police officer. No way of enforcing the law. No deterrent against those considering harming, stealing from, outright disrespecting the rights of another human. We've seen time and again what happens when lawlessness takes hold and it's far worse than what we have now. The body count of innocents would rise exponentially, and we'd be lucky if once the new police force was in place they'd be able to wrestle any control from the rising lawlessness. The fix to this problem isn't to cut everyone lose, it's to make a serious effort of weeding out the shit cops and making them pay for their crimes.

That seems to be a reasonable idea, and also what we've been trying to do for years. Something major needs to change, asking the police to police themselves isn't working and has never worked.

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