Please be Silent Sophia

It's different in many ways. You can't compare religion to a fairy tale just because there's no proof God exists. A fairy tale was written as fiction, the Bible was written as non-fiction (I'm not saying this automatically makes the Bible non-fiction, I'm saying the intentions of writing a fairy-tale and the Bible are different).

The Bible has many historical accurate facts. There is historical evidence there was a man named Moses who helped the Jews escape from Egypt, whether he was a prophet and split the ocean in two is up for debate and interpretation.

Also, for me personally I have had a lot of proof that God exists. Sure, no scientific proof but my own experiences with God have been proof enough for me. I would like to stress that I don't expect everyone to believe in God, everyone can believe what they want. What I said was a bit childish, I was just a bit frustrated that often on Reddit people see religion as something inherently negative, when there are a lot of positive aspects too.

Thanks for asking the question, it's great that we can have a mature conversation. :)

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