Please share your opinions. It will help me be a better teacher!

ISFP checking in.

What made you happiest and most comfortable in a classroom?

When we had some kind of hands-on assignment. I liked labs, experiments, illustrating, stuff like that. I need a lot of interaction or I get bored/distracted quickly.

What teaching style helped you learn the best?

I liked teachers who were worry and down-to-earth and who made a lot of parallels and analogies that were easy for me to understand. I liked casual, laid back atmospheres and a conversational approach (as opposed to being lectured.)

What were your pet peeves?

I agree with the ESTJ on being annoyed with teachers expecting you to understand shit they don't specifically ask.

I also don't like long-winded speeches. Boring.

Lots of homework always pissed me off. I felt like eight hours a day was more than a sufficient amount of time devoted to school, and couldn't stand teachers trying to make themselves feel important by giving me work to take home.

I also hated the "What's your interpretation of...blah blah blah" questions. I don't think like that and I find people who do to be extremely annoying.

For Is, what helps you open up and share your thoughts more?

Laid back, conversational atmosphere and lots of encouragement, agreement, and positive affirmation.

For Ps, what's the best way to motivate you to do your work thoroughly and turn it in on time?

I've only ever been motivated to work hard for teachers and employers who I liked and respected on a personal level. I guess they're the only ones I felt were worth impressing.

Every one else gets the "minimum amount of effort I can get away with" treatment.

Extra credit: option C.

/r/mbti Thread