Have a place to live... and miserable.

Passive aggressive? You stopped talking to me at approximately 4pm last Wednesday. Transference much? You can stare at that phone until hell freezes over, but am guessing you've burnt so many bridges that no one's going to jump through it and say "pick me". If you had bothered to speak to me then you would have found out that I will be buying you a bus ticket to return to California when I get paid.

If you are expecting me to kiss your ass, beg you for forgiveness and hand over my paycheck. It's not going to happen. You are a STRANGER that I attempted to help because I fell for the sob story you posted in assistance. I am not a family friend, you've wrapped your story up in convenient half-truths in order to get more pity.

I told you I would get paid on the 30th, every single fucking thing you think I "owe you" requires cash. I repeat I have no cash, I paid my bills. You said you would get money from your boyfriend and the other person chose not to give you $50 for the birth certificate.

As for the whole poor me, yeah, I got up, showered and got dressed in order to get you to the class that would have gotten you the rest of your foodstamps and a free bus pass. You chose not to attend the class and/or reschedule the class. You claimed to have a migraine, you got up and were talking on your phone an hour later. That is not how migraines work.

Given that your idea of "help" involves me allowing you (a grown woman) to do as you wish up to and including: sleeping all day, getting into my food, getting into my private bathroom cabinets (sorry neither me nor my son wear foundation) turning my kid's bathroom into a disgusting bio-hazard by leaving period blood/feces on the toilet seat, wads of hair on the floor and trashing my kitchen by cooking in vats of scorched oil. And lastly, expecting me to provide you with private maid service such that as soon as I get your most recent mess under control, I can start in on the next mess.

My son is my dependent child, it is my responsibility to take care of him. If you resent me taking care of my kid, then you have so many problems that there is no way that my paycheck is going to be able to fix them. You are not my responsibility. You can legally drink in a bar, which means you are too old to be a dependent child.

The child is actually smart enough to be afraid of burning the trailer down. I am afraid that you are going to start a grease fire and burn my trailer down, which is why I rip the stove apart every time you cook. Due to your filthy nails and poor personal hygiene my kid will not touch any of our food you have gotten into which is why I threw it all out.

/r/depression Thread