Penn State fraternity suspended over nude photos of sleeping women

I can kind of provide perspective on that, as I'm a brother at a fraternity at a large southern university. The problem, in my opinion, stems from two main things at this point, both of which are amplified when coupled with the overt immaturity that a majority of incoming college freshman have. The first one being predominately social media. When you have a lot of kids who are, for the first time essentially, away from home with newly acquired freedom, sometimes their immaturity can get the best of them and you end up with stupid shit like this happening and, of course, what happened recently at OU. I'm not defending them or trying to make excuses for them in ANY way, but sometimes people just don't get "it" and when they finally are given the freedom of living away from home and being able to freely drink, and what not, then they feel almost invincible. I'm sure those boys, because at 19 and as freshman, they are still boys, at OU are not completely horrible people, but they just decided to make a horrible decision which will ultimately cost them for years to come. One thing that really bothers me about that whole situation, though, is the way that people are treating their apologies. I read a lot of shit on social media, from people of all walks of life, saying how their apologies were "only because they got caught". While that kind of makes sense, I truly believe they are sorry. Their whole lives are ruined because of their lack of maturity. Their names and faces are plastered all over the news, and today I even saw that CNN had found where one of the kids parents worked and even put pictures of his parents and information about that on the news. To me, no matter how fucking stupid they are, that's fucked up. I am certain a lot of people and even people's parents have done stupid shit before. Maybe not like this, but social media can cause things to blow up and ultimately to spread like wildfire, which happens sometimes just because people have a preconceived notion about fraternities and what not, and things like this just provide more ammo for them. Sorry for rambling and the wall of text. I'm a bit drunk, and I'm sure this will get down voted to oblivion, but I just want reddit to know that not all people in fraternities are bad people. A few extremely immature people and actions can cause an entire group of people to have a bad name. Also the second thing which I firmly has believe negatively impacted fraternities and sororities overall is TFM. So many high schoolers see that and think it's "cool" and that feeds right back into the immaturity aspect, as then they come to college and try to live their life as if it's based off TFM.

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