Over 30,000 doctors and health professionals in Argentina campaign to ban Monsanto

Everything you write here is wrong.


This has already been explained to you: If you do not believe he is a shill, that is exactly what a shill should do.

So the only way for him to not come off as a shill is...to make it really obvious to everyone that he is a shill! Oh my god, that's the dumbest thing I've heard all day! And you have some pretty stiff competition.

Where am I talking about MTG in my profile? I'm not the only person explaining to you that you are wrong.

Wow, couldn't work out that I was referring to someone else's profile, huh? Too hard of a concept for you to grasp?

And I already explained to you that and why your "example" is invalid and ridiculous. Anyone above a grade school reading level should have picked up on that.

No, what you did was take a very obvious analogy and argue against it like it was an actual core part of my argument("That's because there is nothing wrong with liking and supporting Magic the Gathering and any "shilling" on its behalf is utterly irrelevant as its just a card game.") This is where reading comprehension comes in. You should have been able to tell that the point of the analogy was to show how someone with a particular interest can repeatedly come to talk about that interest on reddit.

You think it's hilarious that I called your claims unsupported. Feel free to show my where you provided any support. Show me the news article about Monsanto shills. Show me the admin post about it. Show me anything to support your claim before you write off my accusation that your claims are unsupported.

It's truly amazing how someone can be so utterly wrong in everything he believes. Are you American or something?

Alright, I'm good with stopping here anyway. Suck a dick and all that.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - telesurtv.net