The only cure for the plague of scripting is to make recoil random again.

i agree. 9500 hours here. when i was playing a lot i could spray over 90% accuracy. after way too many hours in UKN. like hundreds. i'm washed nowadays, because i basically quit, but the stale pvp didn't help. i've been playing more competitive games and honestly i am embarassed that i spent so much time grinding to learn recoil that is essentially a role playing sandbox.

and yes, there are a shit ton of scripters. anyone who says otherwise is a charlatan or hasn't spent any time in the main scene. good clans will script check if they see a sus clip, bad clans will distribute them. literally just look on youtube and see what happened with MLI. an og rust clan, all fucking bloodied up. they came back together under a different name after disbanding from that drama btw. they play vital

randomized recoil, maybe slightly patterned. it's one of the only things that could get me to play again, along with a comp bow nerf, and hardcore servers without team system.

/r/playrust Thread