Oil Across Arabia (1950), the origin of Saudi Arabia's immense oil wealth

Obama is GeorgeW-lite, with less boots on the ground and more drone strikes. Except Dubya always tried to do what he thought was right, even if it was wrong. Obama has done things he knew were the wrong choice from the start. I don't recall W executing extrajudicial killings of American citizens, he would have tried to capture them and bring them home. Hell, even Saddam wasn't killed on-sight, he we captured alive and the Iraqi government was allowed to conduct Iraqi justice, for better or worse.

Obama has the poor quality foreign policy that everyone had suspected. He could not satisfy either Russia nor our allies in negoiations. Turkey should have been reined in from the start as the second largest military in NATO, and them supporting ISIS against the Kurt's should have been addressed from the start. Obama's biggest victory has been peace with Iran, but he has allowed the cold war to reignite in Europe. We're currently back to having Russian tanks staring down US tanks, only this time 1st Armored is hanging out in Fort Bliss instead of Germany where they belong.

Don't get me wrong, Obama has done a pretty decent job in domestic issues, which Bush ignored. I'm proud to have issues of law enforcement force being looked at, and gay marriage, and healthcare is at least available for people with preexisting conditions than it used to be. Our economy is great for some people and Obama has deported a record number of illegal aliens. We still need to fix immigration, fix race relations, fix our treatment of trans people, and figure out what the fuck we're going to do with the death of blue collared careers.

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