it's not fair......

901 was the time of day on the day and the moment I laid down my final plea with the deadline to the person I was longing for communication with. I made the boundary for myself. I believe at that moment was the last time I messaged them on Facebook, texted their phone, or tried to reach out. It was the moment that I said to go any further would be to absolutely sacrifice any dignity I had for someone that had clearly through their words and actions absolutely no compassion or care for me.

It was the moment I let go. And even though I've relapsed as far as getting caught up on unsent letters and things like that thinking about them. Even though one time I did slip up and like a picture on their Facebook but it was a picture of them and their kids happy and doing well which is something that meant the world to me and it was even with their boyfriend currently so I mean it was just it overwhelmed me with happiness because that was a real concern.

The couple of slip-ups were it.

And I admit those. Since then I've blocked them. I have absolutely not even thought about unblocking them nor will I ever because I'm no longer curious. I've blocked their phone number. And I believe I blocked all of their family too. So to me I just no longer will they come across my feeds no longer do I have the urges to even check and 901 on that day was the day that I got my dignity back because I had to.

They let me know that I was a nuisance to them so I let go and gave them their wish.

/r/UnsentLetters Thread Parent