Why nobody wanna play smokes?

What I posted.

I think the first post was too long so.

"Credit : editted from a comment by u/genesisv1.

I am posting this as I share a very similar opinion as the earlier comment was more of a rant needing editing.


Duellists are playing fill agents as other players refuse to give up or take turns other than to play fun duellists.


  1. Easier learning curve for duellists than fill agents.

  2. Less responsibility on duellists and more on fill players.

  3. Duellists don't perform to benefit other fill agents. While fill agents solely perform for the team first.

  4. The fill agents, specially controllers and sentinels are not given opportunity to play in favourable circumstances and in unfavourable circumstances are expected to win as they play behind the scenes till their teammates are eliminated.

Cons of playing filling agents:"

/r/VALORANT Thread Parent