New Herdwick Mode on Ravelry. Thoughts? Especially with regards to accessibility?

I use Rav in classic mode. I tried to use the "new" mode and hated it. I didn't have a health issue with it. I thought it was ugly and I want to use words, not icons for everything. I got an email about it and switched over to try the Herdwick mode. The things I hated in the new mode are still in Herdwick. Will I pitch a fit about it? No. I will simply continue using it in classic mode until it is no longer available that way. And it's a free website which I will use until something better comes along.

As far as the Ravelry response goes, I think that people on both sides acted a little bit out of control about the changes. And it's a free website. They have zero responsibility to fix it to suit anybody. And it's a free website. There is nothing else out there with the quantity and quality of info they provide, even at a monetary cost. You literally cannot pay for something even close to Ravelry. I would even pay to use Ravelry.

/r/knitting Thread