New Hampshire Primaries Megathread February 9, 2016

I want to disagree with you, but I can't.

I pull for Bernie so hard, because I really believe that he's saying what most of us are thinking, and that he will continue to fight for us no matter where he goes or what he does, because that's what he's been doing.

But the superdelegates will fuck this all up. At best, this will be a tight delegate race with Bernie in a narrow lead. But at the end of it all, the superdelegates will rally behind the interests of the establishment and put Hillary out front because the Democratic party is the most anti-democratic institution in politics and the monied interests that have bought this government can pay so much more readily for "the party of the people" than they can the shitheads running for the GOP because of the superdelegate bullshit.

Bernie won't be allowed to win. Popular vote be damned, delegate count be damned, the superdelegates are designed to be able to override all but the most lopsided of victories. They are the veto against the people. He won't win. He can't win. We won't and can't win.

Hillary will win the nomination and lose the election and we will have a raging stupid base-fellating GOPer in the big chair appointing three Supreme Court justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade and repeal the last bits of the VRA not already torn to shreds and defer the already horrific issue of gerrymandering back to the states as a "states' rights" issue and do whatever the fuck they can to drive most of us into chattel slavery because the market dictates that skilled labor with 5+ years of experience and a degree is only worth $10/hr because the almighty fucking shareholders want their dividend checks.

Democrats want to save this country, but the DNC will tear it apart.

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