New Hampshire Primaries Megathread February 9, 2016

Trump will get the republican nomination and then win the 2016 election.

A lot of people shit on Trump but one can't deny his excellent public speaking skills/charisma. He makes his points loud, clear, and understood and exudes confidence and steadfastness in his speech. He does not falter to the side, handles rebuttals well (although occasionally veers off rather than being direct, brevity is a skill), and doesn't backpedal off his statements. No other presidential candidate, the least of which Hilary, could say what Trump has said without severe PR repercussions. Trump's aggressiveness to attack the media rather than languish in its fire is precisely why his polling continues to rise with each outstanding statement.

Trump proposal of building a wall to stretch the mexican border isn't as ludicrous as people make it out to be. First off, building a wall isn't exactly complicated. They're a multiple ways from tilt-up, pre-fab, to being cast monotonically on site (assuming reinforced concrete wall). Simply adjust the design to soil conditions as necessary. The construction of the wall would be the largest civil project in american history (besides interstate highways and maybe railways) and generate thousands of jobs down south, where unemployment is at its highest. Now this borders on Keynesian economics which hasn't seen much success, and the costs would likely outweight the benefits. That said, there's nothing wrong with his motive of trying to put a real stop to illegal immigration by putting a 6" concrete wall between us and Mexico. Illegal immigration IS a problem and doesn't help the economy when are limited supply of jobs are already being heavily outsourced.

Also, Trump's proposal of banning all Muslims is by far his most upsetting statement, yet one can see its rationale. Behind closed doors, even among liberals, they might agree with his sentiment. Obama's foreign policy has been nothing short of a total disaster. From Libya to Syria to Russia, all were executed like the largest pile of human excrement the world has ever seen. Trump's position of strengh and to relentlessly plow the Middle East with bombs have garnered him tremendous support, and rightfully so. Trump already established that he will come from a position of strength, reminiscent of Reagan and his intolerable stance against Communism/Soviet Union (which by the way, helped lead to their collapse). Something Americans certainly haven't seen with Obama who has been repeatedly embarrassed and manhandled by Putin. Obama has no respect in the international community and it shows, even in Israel.

Trump is also the only to mention our shitty trade deals and tremendous trade deficits.

Trump is a fresh face and brings hope of bringing in actual productivity/pragmatism in congress.

The only irrational responses I hear from liberals against trump are that he's "racist" and has "fake hair" Thanks Colbert, I'll wait until you make an original joke that doesn't involve Trump.

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