"Need more damage"

I feel like it's easy to just default to putting the blame on the DPS and saying "we need more damage," but often times it's just a matter of poor focus fire, poor chemistry, and/or running the wrong comp.

A lot of people seem to think tanking and support are not important roles, but imo poor support AND ESPECIALLY poor tanking is worse for your team than poor dps.

It's just that the tanks and supports set up the situations for the DPS to get the kills/damage, so they're the ones who get the spotlight and credit. That's why so many people are obsessed with the idea of "carrying" as DPS characters.

Er.. my point before I went on this tangent is that sometimes it's the DPS's fault, but it's not always. It can also be because of poor tanking just as well as it can be from poor support (note: your secondary healer in this meta matters a LOT) or just poor chemistry between all of you.

/r/Overwatch Thread