To: Narcissa Wright \\ From: Issac

I won't divulge the information everyone here wants. I will, however, tease that there is more damning information than anyone here knows. However, you're wrong. She was a great guest except for one time when there was a misunderstanding. In fairness, we were both high on THC edibles. But, that is no excuse in my opinion. I think it is hard for her to control her emotions on THC, and she stops the facade. And, when she does this, you realize the extent of her hatred and depression. She is a goddess, and unless you're a literal genius who can read her mind and give her endless power and money, you're an insignificant worm. If you don't have the capacity to make her immortal, then you might as well not exist.

You are all worms to her, make no mistake.

/r/SamandTolki Thread Parent