My face isn’t really in most of our wedding photos. Would it be weird to retake my wedding portraits myself?

Why are you worried about your photographer feeling bad? It sounds like you paid a high price for your photography. She should feel bad and then some! The shots she did deliver may have been excellent, but to have almost no photos where your full face is visible, even portraits for goodness' sake, is a major FAIL on her part. There's nothing wrong with your face! If she thought all the shots where your face was fully visible weren't good enough to include, that's on her and her skills. Or maybe she failed to take enough shots of you in full face. SHE FAILED.

I would get in touch with her and let her know that you are extremely disappointed in this. Exactly what you said here; that you were looking forward to those beautiful portrait shots and there are very few shots of you with your full face visible. She owes you a free reshoot of the bridal portraits and maybe the first look as well, or if not that then some other form of compensation.

You have every reason to be dissatisfied here. She's a professional. It's a given that you would want photos of your full face! You paid for a service and you didn't get it. She ought to have this brought to her attention, and she ought to make it as right as she can after the fact.

/r/weddingplanning Thread