Mueller's office disputes BuzzFeed story about Trump directing Cohen's false testimony

Uhh, no matter what, impeachment involves removing an elected official, and he was hardly "Democratically elected" considering his opponent got 3 million more votes. Can't brush off the popular vote in favor of the electoral college and then talk about a Democracy mandate.

Also, that never stopped impeachment filings against Bill Clinton or Richard Nixon, both of whom had people chomping at the bit to impeach them well before there was evidence to. I'm pretty tired of the "walk on eggshells" routine for trump supporters and being told to cower in fear of them; they are not the majority in this country. You know what we call people who threaten violence against civilians for political end goals? Terrorists. Last I checked, we don't negotiate with those.

Buzzfeed, an aggregate that people choose to take seriously or not depending on when it suits their mood, fucking around and fucking up is not an indictment of Mueller's work or his outcome. The fact that they're speaking out against this article lends legitimacy to their case, instead of allowing fact-free bullshit to run loose. You know, like Trump, the media, and Comey's FBI did and still does.

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