Miyuki's Secret Weapon

ROFL ... that IS a funny pic :-D

ok ... you are right about the way Miyuki acts

... and your point is ?

women have been doing that for probably at least the past 50,000 thousand years ... it's how they manipulate us men in to doing what THEY want us to do

... they figure out what our fetishes/kinks/soft spots are, then they use that information to control us O_o

... I mean let's be real ... how many of us guys in here have gotten soooooo in LOVE with a cute little hottie, who is sooooo willing to have sex with us .......... until we say "I Do" ... then the other shoe falls and we find out what that cute little hottie is really like ... and we start only getting sex from her when "she" is in the mood, or when she can get us to do something special for her for it

I just hope that does not happen to Tatsuya after they get married ... it does not look like it will, based on how their relationship started

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