Megathread: Michael Flynn resigns as National Security Advisor

It's a complex situation.

So, to start with this guy is a conspiracy theory nut with lots of friends in the Russian government. No sane person in the country felt safe with him as National Security Advisor.

So, remember how the Russians hacked the DNC email and Clinton's campaign email and aired all that dirty laundry that cost her the election? The Obama administration was none to happy about a foreign adversary meddling in our democratic process, so they ordered more sanctions. Sanctions are punishments that governments levy against other governments, stuff like blocking trade, freezing assets, secret stuff, generally making it harder to do business.

Anyway, at the same time that the Obama administration was cranking up the sanctions, General Flynn was on the horn with the Russian ambassador discussing the sanctions. This is kind of illegal. We don't know what they talked about, but if you ask me, Flynn said "thanks for giving us the election and don't expect the sanctions to be there for long."

But he denied over and over again that he talked about the sanctions. Everyone in the White House had his back that he didn't talk about the sanctions.

So, someone who definitely knows what Flynn talked about is the Russians themselves, who have an audio recording of the conversation. The Department of Justice got wind of this somehow, and apparently they believe the contents of the tape are so bad that Flynn would be vulnerable to blackmail from the Russian government.


The White House continued to support Flynn wholeheartedly until the Washington Post broke the story a couple hours ago.

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