[MEGATHREAD] Daily venting, worries, fixations, & finding support. Month of December

guys I’m so scared right now I’m actually about to start shaking. I was at practice for baseball and the balled rolled over to my side, so I went to go get the ball but didn’t realize that another ball was coming. It was my mistake not to ask or wait. Then the ball hits my head but I didn’t feel any pain. And I started freaking out because my friend that has gotten a concussion before by running into a pole said that she didn’t feel any pain at first.and through out the whole practice I was just super anxious. When I got out of practice is went home and tried to relax but I felt like my head felt a little bit tight and that was scarying me so much. I went to the bathrooom and checked the top of my head (where I got hit) and the scalp was red and bleeding. It wasnt oozing out it was just there. My scalp has bleed before because I have a lot of dry scalp and dandruff etc so it has bled before. But this scared me so much. I’m so scared I have a concussion and I’m going to die. Idk if the bleedin is from my sensitive scalp and with the impact it scraped my scalp or I actually got damaged inside. I’m super scared I might have a concussion please help

/r/HealthAnxiety Thread